Resources for Teachers

Below are some documents which schools have found useful in the past. Feel free to use them however you like in marketing and promoting the competition. If there are any resources you would like making or have made yourself and would be happy for us to share them with other teachers then please let us know.

QR Code for the 2021-22 Answer Submission Form

2021-22 School Information Pack

Exemplar Competition Announcement

Getting Started Presentation

2021-22 Competition Process Summary

Template Printable Top 10 Leaderboard

Template Printable Prize Winners

Display Board

This display board is designed to be 'live' so will need some printing each week to keep it up to date. We'll send you the new puzzle in advance each week so that on Monday morning you'll be more than ready to get the board updated immediately. The "background" files below are designed to be printed in A3 so that each week their contents can be printed in A4 and fit on top of them.

We know not everyone will like the colour scheme of the display board (it was designed with hidden maths in mind rather than graphic design!), so we've provided copies of the original Google Drawings. You can make a copy of them and then edit to your heart's content, or just print out the PDFs below and you're good to go.

Current Puzzle Background

Previous Puzzle Background

Previous Solution Background

Top 10 Leaderboard Background

Prize Winners Background

QR Code for the 2021-22 Answer Form